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eap dsm

EAP Disability Support Melbourne (DSM)

Your workplace has partnered with Acua to provide all employees assistance with health, wellbeing and mental fitness. This is called Employee Assistance Program or EAP.


This is the EAP Webpage for your organisation. 


Please visit the EAP Lounge for links to videos, blogs, posts, tips and articles that you can access at any time. We will continue to grow our Lounge content over time. We welcome your contributions too.  


If you have any ideas or suggestions to make this Lounge better please contact Acua with your suggestion, article, video or link. 

EAP Counselling

EAP is designed to give staff independent third party counselling assistance to support staff through challenges, issues or times when support is needed. It can be work or non work related.


EAP Counselling is confidential. Acua does not share with your employer any information discussed during an EAP counselling session.


Your organisation has allocated three (3) sessions for you to access Acua EAP as you need it. You may be eligible for more if you require it. If you have already used your three EAP sessions you will need to request further sessions from you Wellbeing Coordinator or HR Team. 


Many Acua EAP individuals will engage Acua directly if no further EAP sessions are provided to them. 


EAP Access

Step 01: Contact Acua EAP

Call the Acua EAP Hotline to book in a time for an EAP Counselling Session. You can contact Acua EAP from anywhere in Australia on 1300 777 100


If your call in not answered please leave your name and return contact number and a consultant will return your call at the soonest possible time. In the event of an emergency please call 000 or contact your GP or local hospital.  


Step 02: Verification

You will be asked your name, your role at work, the organisation you work at, your email, your contact phone number and the location of your work.


Step 03: Call Contact Triage

Your request will be triaged in the first instance to assess any urgency or priority. This means the consultant may ask how you are, the nature of your call and how Acua EAP may be able to assist you. (This is valuable information for the Counsellor).


Step 04: Booking Confirmation

Once verified you will then be booked in for your first EAP Counselling session.


Attend your Counselling session. Reflect on your Counselling session. Book in another EAP Counselling session if you need it.

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